The heart of cities really lie in the communities they build. Jousting, dancing lesson on the pier, franken-bike festivals, web-literacy classes, or thinking back to the youtube rise of Improv Everywhere – whatever it is, these low or no cost events help foster these city-wide communities and one of the best uses of tech is to help people connect offline.
I've been working on Thirdspace for just this. Creating a digital space for people to spread the word about physical spaces. This has been worked on slightly backwards (though I've regularly found there is no perfect linear process – ride the waves!) I started with screens then worked my way back to what would I need from an MVP and then created my eng diagrams based on how the architecture would need to be built to be able to fulfill the needs of the MVP and be flexible to take on the needs of future features.
The MVP currently consists of only web-scraped events using public parks and some community blogs, which will be filterable by date and time. From this I created my frist webscraper and an aggregator to have all of the sources in one place.
This is still a work in progress but you can check out some of the thought process below.